International Migrant Stock 2020

Data source: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division

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The dataset presents estimates of international migrants by age, sex, and origin. Estimates are presented for 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020 and are available for 232 countries and areas of the world. The estimates are based on official statistics on the foreign-born or foreign population.

The estimates of the number (or “stock”) of international migrants disaggregated by age, sex and country or area of origin are based on national statistics, in most cases obtained from population censuses. Additionally, population registers and nationally representative surveys provided information on the number and composition of international migrants.

Last updated by source: 2021-01-15

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. (2020). International migrant stock 2020.

Variables in this dataset:

   Refugees and asylum seekers as % of the international migrant stock
QoG Code: unim_asy

Refugees and asylum seekers at mid-year as a percentage of the international migrant stock.

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   International migrant stock as % of the total population, females
QoG Code: unim_fem

International migrant stock as a percentage of the total population in the destination country, females.

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   Median age of female international migrant stock
QoG Code: unim_femmed

Median age of female international migrant stock at mid-year

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   % of female international migrant stock aged btw. 20-64
QoG Code: unim_femmid

Female international migrant stock aged between 20-64, as a percentage of the female population in the same age group.

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   % of female international migrant stock aged 65 and above
QoG Code: unim_femold

Female international migrant stock aged 65 and above, as a percentage of the female population in the same age group.

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   % of female international migrant stock aged under 20
QoG Code: unim_femyng

Female international migrant stock under 20, as a percentage of the female population in the same age group.

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   Median age of international migrant stock
QoG Code: unim_med

Median age of international migrant stock at mid-year, both sexes combined.

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   International migrant stock as % of the total population, males
QoG Code: unim_men

International migrant stock as a percentage of the total population in the destination country, males.

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   Median age of male international migrant stock
QoG Code: unim_menmed

Median age of male international migrant stock at mid-year.

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   % of male international migrant stock aged btw. 20-64
QoG Code: unim_menmid

Male international migrant stock aged between 20-64, as a percentage of the male population in the same age group.

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   % of male international migrant stock aged 65 and above
QoG Code: unim_menold

Male international migrant stock aged 65 and above, as a percentage of the male population in the same age group.

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   % of male international migrant stock aged under 20
QoG Code: unim_menyng

Male international migrant stock under 20, as a percentage of the male population in the same age group.

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   % of international migrant stock aged btw. 20-64
QoG Code: unim_mid

International migrant stock aged between 20-64, as a percentage of the total population in the same age group (both sexes).

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   % of international migrant stock aged 65 and above
QoG Code: unim_old

International migrant stock aged 65 and above, as a percentage of the total population in the same age group (both sexes).

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   Female migrants as % of the international migrant stock
QoG Code: unim_sex

Female migrants as a percentage of the international migrant stock in the destination country.

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   International migrant stock as % of the total population, total
QoG Code: unim_tot

International migrant stock as a percentage of the total population in the destination country, both sexes combined.

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   % of international migrant stock aged under 20
QoG Code: unim_yng

International migrant stock aged under 20, as a percentage of the total population under 20 (both sexes).

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